Sunday, January 11, 2009

Resolve Conflicts in Git

I am going to tell you something very basic here. These basics are really important though.

Today when I tried to merge one of my branch say phuddu to my master, I got some weired messages from git.

ERROR: Merge conflict in app/models/activity.rb
Auto-merging app/models/death_report.rb
fatal: merge program failed
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Looks like I crashed into a merge conflict today.

My app/models/activities.rb file looked like following.

<<<<<<< .merge_file_sdfPaP
# == Schema Info
# == Schema Information
>>>>>>> .merge_file_LT3vRO
# Schema version: 20090530092020
# Table name: activities

<<<<<<< .merge_file_sdfPaP
# id :integer(4) not null, primary key
# item_id :integer(4) not null
# user_id :integer(4) not null
# item_type :string(255) not null, default("")
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime

# id :integer(11) not null, primary key
# user_id :integer(11) not null
# item_id :integer(11) not null
# item_type :string(255) not null
# created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime

>>>>>>> .merge_file_LT3vRO

Every chunk of code above within the
reflects the modifications made by other commiter (Oh! why!! why did you do this?) whereas the code within the
reflects the changes made by me. Now to resolve above conflicts we will edit our files according to the need and do the following.
git update-index <filename>
It actually tells the git that conflicts have been resolved in the files. Now just do a commit and you are done.

1 comment:

Pheliox said...

Thanks for the update-index!! Saved my life.. wasn't able to add or commit and some other tutorials just doesn't point say anything about the update-index.