I am using XML-Mapping and Cucumber to test a rails application which generates XML feeds. Recently I had a need to use 'choice_node' method. But it gave me a 'undefined method choice_node' every time I tried to use it. The funny part is the method is very well documented like any other methods.
I had installed it from the source as a gem at my local machine. When searched the code for definition on ChoiceNode class I got nothing. It means the code which I downloaded did not have any choice_node method in it so how come I was going to get it in my application.
However following fixed the problem.
First remove or better rename the old gem.
gem_install_directory$ mv xml-mapping-0.8.1 xml-mapping-0.8.1-old
Then checkout the latest source of the gem from it's CVS repository.
gem_install_directory$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@rubyforge.org:/var/cvs/xml-mapping login
gem_install_directory$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@rubyforge.org:/var/cvs/xml-mapping checkout .
Now you can use the XML-Mapping gem with it's full power.
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